See You Again.

I always see you in the dark

I hope you are okay

I hope you are not what I think you are

Maybe it’s the drink at the bar that does this to you

You look frantic, but in a nice way too.

Are you a good actor, or are you really fine?

’cause darling not everything can be hidden from the prying eyes.


Why are you always in the dark?

In the most darkest of dark corners?

Why do I not see you in the mornings?

Perhaps you are there but I’m too afraid to see,

or is it my mind that’s playing a trick on me?

Only when the sun goes down, you come ’round

I think you fear to move out of bounds.


You have known the world too much, too soon,

A slower transport you should have chosen,

“What’s done is done” is what Ma always says,

But you were never the one to move on.

You are now stuck forever it appears,

After all, in the darkest hour you were born.

Perhaps that is where you shall always stay.


Yet I have this flicker of hope,

Maybe tiny but shining bright,

To see you among the rainbows one day.

I pray what I think is not true,

That who I see everyday is not me,

or my reflection,

It’s a different person, it is you.


May you learn to forgive and forget,

Though I know you don’t believe in it.

I hope to see you dance around in the bar,

Instead of sitting with another Bloody Caesar.

May you find a different way to reduce the pain

That too,

before I have to see you again.

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